Faux-amis en anglais

Faux Amis

Et n’oublions pas les faux-amis anglais (treacherous words) comme :

A to abuse (insulter, abuser is to take advantage), to accomodate (loger, accomoder is to prepare), actually (en fait, actuellement is now), advertisement (réclame), affluence (richesse, affluence is rush), to assist (aider), to attend (assister à),
B bras (soutien-gorge),
C caution (prudence, caution is guarantee), cent (centime), chair (fauteuil), chance (hasard), to charge (faire payer, charger is to load), college (université,niveau licence), command (ordonner), commodity (marchandise, commodité is convenience), comprehensive (complet, compréhensif is understanding), conductor (contrôleur, conducteur is driver), confection (bonbon, confection is clothing or pret-a-porter), consistent (cohérent, consitant is solid), to contemplate (envisager, contempler is to gaze at), copy (exemplaire, une copie is a reproduction),
D delay (retard, un delai is a time limit), to demand (exiger, demander is to ask), to dispose (se débarrasser, disposer is to arrange), dispute (conflit, une dispute is a quarrel or an argument), douche (toilette intime),
E engaged (occupé, engagé is commited), entrée (hors d’oeuvre), eventually (in fine, éventuellement is possibly),
F formidable (terrifiant), fortunate(chanceux, fortuné is wealthy),
H hazard (danger, hasard is chance),
M marmite (une pate à tartiner à la levure),
N notice (préavis, notice is instructions),
P petrol (essence, petrole is oil), positive (catégorique, positif is definite),
R to realize (prendre conscience, realiser is to achieve), refuse (déchets, refus is refusal), resume (recommencer, resumer is to sum up),
S sale (vente, sale is dirty), sensible (raisonnable, sensible is sensitive), sympathetic (compatissant),
T type (genre),
W wagon (charriot, un wagon is a carriage or a coach),
… and many others.
